
Entrepreneur Week Greece | Conference

2012-02-23(木)14:00 - 2012-02-24(金)21:00 EET


The final program of Entrepreneur Week Greece:


Entrepreneur Week Greece is organized in Athens by the Hellenic Start-up Association and the Entrepreneur Week, with the active support of YES - European Confederation of Young Entrepreneurs.

The 3-days events includes start-up presentation to angel investors and VC funds, B2B match-making event between Greek entrepreneurs and missions from US, Russia, UK, Saudi Arabia, Spain, Hungary, Serbia and other countries as well as a top-level conference addressing both horizontal and sectorial issues for effectively promoting entrepreneurship in Greece.

Register for the Pre Conference event, launch of the Hellenic Angels, the first business angels network in Greece operated by the Hellenic Start-up Association:


The Entrepreneur Week Conference Panel discussion topics are the following:

1. "Culture, Tourism and Symbolic Capital: Creating an industry of global leadership for Greece"

2. "The Greek Crisis: Eurozone endgame or the birth-giving event of the World's largest economy?" 

3. "Maritime Uncovered: Towards boosting a dynamic entrepreneurial ecosystem around the industry international leaders" 

4. "Politics and Entrepreneurship - Politicians and Entrepreneurs: How a solid, transparent relationship should be built." 

5. "High-tech industry in Greece: Success stories, role models and the way forward" 

6. "Energy: When Geopolitics and Geoeconomics meet a strategy for sustainable development" 

7. "The Battle for Athens Center: Turning a crime zone to a field of creativity" 

8. "Media Industry: A collapsing market or an exciting opportunity?" 

9. "Education, University and Entrepreneurship: From creativity to start-up accelerators"

10. "Government & Entrepreneurship: Can the State play any role? Fiscal policies/taxation, subsidies and bankruptcy law"


Entrepreneur Week Greece will be followed by an amazing Post-Conference event on Saturday February 25th, 12:00-15:00: The B2B Match-Making. Make sure that you reserve your seat at and meet innovators from US, Russia, UK, Saudi Arabia, Spain, Italy, Hungary and Serbia!


Hellenic Start-up Association

Hellenic Start-up Association
